

How to Add the Fluids on a 1973 Ford 2000 Tractor

It's important to keep tabs on the transmission fluid, hydraulic fluid, oil and any other fluids in your 1973 Ford 2000 tractor. Keeping proper fluid levels allows your tractor to run at its best, while also helping you avoid costly repairs later on. These fluids are checked by the dipstick measure system. When pulling the dipstick from each fluid's reservoir, you will notice an arrow at the bottom of the dipsticks stem. Fluid levels should lie either at or slightly above this arrow.

Tools Used: Lug wrench, Jack, Jack stands, Socket set

Add the Fluids

Open the hood of the tractor so that you can check whichever fluid you desire.

Pull the appropriate dipstick from its fluid reservoir.

Wipe away the fluid that lies on the stick. Place it back into the reservoir.

Remove the reservoir again, this time so that you can measure fluid levels. To do this, take note of the arrow located at the bottom of the dipstick. If fluids fall level with the arrow or slightly above, then your tractor has the proper amount of that particular fluid. If it falls below, you'll need to add more until this requirement is met.

Add fluid if the dipstick calls for it. Re-measure the fluid level and add more fluid until you have reached the correct amount.

Repeat this process for other fluid types.

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