

How to Change a Fuel Filter on a 1984 Nissan Pulsar

The fuel filter on your Pulsar clogs over time with dirt that it filters out of the gasoline before it reaches the engine. As the clog worsens, the amount of fuel that gets through to the engine lessens. Eventually, the engine may continually stall or backfire and may fail to start at all. On the 1984 Nissan Pulsar, the fuel filter mounts on the firewall within the engine compartment. You can replace it right at home in 30 minutes with a few minor tools.

Tools Used: Socket wrench set, Shop towel, Phillips screwdriver, 2 fuel line plugs

Change a Fuel Filter

Raise and properly support the hood on your Pulsar. At the front of the engine compartment on the driver’s side by the headlight, you should see a cluster of relays. Remove the green relay, which is your fuel pump relay, by hand. Open the fuel door and take off the gas cap slowly to relieve the pressure within the gas tank.

Start the engine and let it idle until it stalls out. Attempt to start the engine four more times but wait five seconds between each try. When the engine fails to start back up and run, this indicates that you have successfully depressurized the fuel system. Turn the ignition off and remove the key.

Disconnect the black cable from the negative post on the battery with a socket wrench. The negative post on the battery will have a (-) minus symbol next to it on top of the battery case. After you remove the cable, position it away from the battery and any other metal.

Locate the fuel filter at the rear of the engine compartment on the driver’s side. It has two black hoses hooked up to it and looks like a metal spice bottle. Place a shop towel underneath the filter within the engine compartment--not on the ground. The towel will absorb any remaining fuel in the hoses once you remove them.

Loosen the retaining clamp’s screw on the bottom hose first with a Phillips screwdriver. Slide the clamp back on the fuel line then pull the fuel line straight off the nipple on the filter. Insert a fuel line plug into the fuel line and repeat this step to remove the top fuel line from the filter.

Twist the fuel filter clockwise until you can see the small arrow on its casing. Note the direction the arrow points. Remove the fuel filter by popping it outward from its holding clip.

Install the new fuel filter by reversing all of the removal steps exactly.

Tips & Warnings

Starting the engine may take a few attempts because the fuel pressure has to build back up. Once you get the engine running, check the repair area for leaks. Allow the car to idle for 10 to 15 minutes before test driving it.

Never perform this repair in a closed off environment. You should also never smoke during the repair or be near anything that could possibly spark.

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