

How to Clean a Fuel Injector on a 1986 Chevrolet Corvette

After years of use the fuel injectors in your 1986 Chevrolet Corvette grow deposits, impeding and sometimes completely blocking the flow of fuel to your engine. This will cause the engine to be rough at idle, to respond slowly to the accelerator and to perform poorly. In order to alleviate this problem, you will have to clean the fuel injectors. You can do this by using a fuel additive or by adding a direct fuel injector cleaner.

Tools Used: Fuel cleaner additive, Fuel injector cleaner

Clean a Fuel Injector

Fuel Additive

Drive your Corvette until the fuel gauge is on empty.

Pull into a gas station, turn off the Corvette, and open the cap to your fuel tank.

Pour a bottle of fuel injection cleaner into your gas tank. Keep pouring until the bottle is completely empty.

Fill up the gas tank with fuel.

Repeat every 10,000 miles to keep the injectors clean.

Direct Cleaner

Start your Corvette and allow the engine to reach the normal operating temperature.

Lift the hood and prop it open. Pour half a pint of direct cleaner into the throttle body throat. Do this slowly, allowing the engine to pull it through at the same rate you are pouring.

Turn off the engine and allow it to cool.

Pour a pint of direct cleaner into a nearly full gas tank.

Tips & Warnings

Be sure to do this in a well-ventilated area, as these additives will increase the fumes from your engine for a short time.

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