

How to Remove a Rear Window on a 1973 GMC Pickup

Removing the rear window from your GMC pickup is necessary to replace it with a new one or to upgrade to an aftermarket window. Sliding rear windows, tinted windows or a new window from GM are all great options if your truck needs new rear glass. Most auto glass shops can sell you a new window or an aftermarket replacement. Some salvage yards sell replacement glass as well, but keep in mind that used glass may not hold up as well. Small stress points could cause it to break during installation.

Tools Used: Flat screwdrivers

Remove a Rear Window

Open the doors of the truck so you can work on both sides. Then slide the bench seat as far forward as it will go. Lean the seat back forward and climb in behind the seat.

Slide a small, thin screwdriver between the body and the rubber gasket surrounding the window. Pull down on the gasket without prying on the glass or it will chip. All you are trying to do is get the gasket below the metal around the window.

Pull the gasket down several inches away from the first spot, using an additional screwdriver. Hold the gasket down and work along the edge of the window while pushing out on the glass lightly.

Push the glass and gasket out until the top section is outside of the body. Then pull the window up and out of the rubber gasket. Remove the gasket from the window opening by pulling it away from the body all the way around.

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