

How to Replace the Fuel Filter on a 1985 Buick Century

The fuel filter on a 1985 Buick Century is designed so that gasoline flowing to the engine is free of harmful debris. The fuel pump, located inside the gas tank, has a built-in strainer. This keeps large debris from leaving the tank but smaller debris and sediment can get past the strainer. If not changed, the small debris will eventually clog the fuel filter; this can affect gas mileage and engine performance. Fuel filters should be changed annually or every 30,000 miles.

Tools Used: Socket wrench, Socket set, Flat tip screw driver, New fuel filter, Drain pan

Replace the Fuel Filter

Remove the Fuel Filter

Open the hood and locate the fuse panel. Open the fuse panel and locate the fuel pump relay. Pull it out by hand.

Start the engine and let it run. The engine will stall once the fuel system has depressurized. Turn off the engine and replace the relay back in to the fuse panel. Close the fuel panel.

Crawl under the car behind the driver-side rear wheel well and look for the fuel filter. The fuel filter is canister-shaped with a fuel line entering and exiting the filter; it will be in a mounting bracket on the frame rail. You can also trace the fuel line from the gas tank to find the fuel filter.

Place a drain pan under the fuel filter to catch any gas in the fuel lines or the fuel filter.

Disconnect the inlet fuel line from the fuel filter by pinching the tab on the quick-disconnect fitting and pull the fuel line off the fuel filter. If the fuel line is held on by a hose clamp, loosen the clamp with a screwdriver. Remove the outlet fuel line the same way.

Use a socket wrench to loosen the bolt on the mounting bracket and slide the fuel filter out of the bracket. Discard the fuel filter.

Install the Fuel Filter

Slide the new filter in the bracket. Make sure the arrow on the fuel filter is pointing toward the front of the car. The arrow designates the direction of fuel flow. Tighten the bracket bolt with the socket wrench. The fuel filter should be tight in the bracket.

Push the inlet fuel line onto the fuel filter until it clicks in place. If held on by hose clamps, push the fuel line over the fitting on the fuel filter. Slide the hose clamp over the hose and fitting and tighten it with a screw driver. Do the same for the outlet fuel line.

Start the engine and let it to run for at least 5 minutes.

Check the fuel filter and fuel lines to make sure there are no gas leaks.

Tips & Warnings

Do not attempt to change the fuel filter without relieving pressure from the fuel system. The gasoline is under high pressure and can spray and be dangerous.

Use extreme caution when working around gasoline. Gasoline is highly flammable and toxic.

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